
Amazing Results

Amazing Results

Thanks to Emily for sharing the following photos which were taken just 3 and 6 weeks apart. She was really struggling with her skin and we think you will agree that these pictures speak for themselves. Within a week her skin had calmed considerably and after only 6 weeks her skin was transformed. Emily won’t use anything else and she can’t live without skin:genius.

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5 Award Wins Including Best Product for Acne

5 Award Wins Including Best Product for Acne

We are overwhelmingly pleased to have won the following five awards and to see skin:genius recognised for its effectiveness for teenage and acne-prone skin. We hold The Beauty Shortlist in high regard and to have all four products win across four separate categories means a great deal to us.  We are very proud to receive this recognition and share our excitement with you.   Best Product for Teens - "all’s well that gels well” Leave-On Gel Best Moisturiser for Acne Prone Skin - “soothe operator” Moisturiser Best Product for Acne (Gel) - "all’s well that gels well” Leave-On Gel and “hits the spot”...

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Tackling the Rise of 'Maskne'

Tackling the Rise of 'Maskne'

Wearing a protective face mask has become a necessity for many and as lockdown starts to lift and we venture out again, more and more people are choosing to wear one. While helpful in many ways, this protective face wear is giving rise to a new skincare problem. Dubbed ‘maskne’ (mask acne) it presents as spots, breakouts and irritations around the mouth area. The primary cause of this is that your breath and warm, moist air circulating behind the mask has no-where to go.  Skin oils and perspiration are also trapped, providing the perfect environment for bacteria sitting on your...

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